Deva Sattavatapada Suttaṁ; Saṃyutta nikāya;

“Monks, in the past, when Sakka, lord of the gods, was a human, he practised the seven vows. Since he did that, he achieved the position of Sakka, lord of the gods. What were those seven vows?

1. As long as I live may I help my parents.

2. As long as I live may I respect the family elders.

3. As long as I live may I speak gently.

4. As long as I live may I not speak divisively.

5. As long as I live may I live at home without greediness, removing the stain of stinginess, open-handed, always ready to give, always free to help others, delighting in giving and sharing, and well organized in giving charity.

6. As long as I live may I speak the truth.

7. As long as I live may I be free from anger, and if anger should arise in me, may I remove it quickly.”

Long time ago i ever have a Theater story about “The Seven Vows of Sakka”. Sakka knows as the Lord of the Gods and King of Heaven. He acquired all the quality of Sakka not with any ritual or gifted, but with practice and do Seven Vows as we all too can do it. Tired after finished work this midnight, hope we all want and can do the Seven Vows for ownself and our closed people goodness. Love you.. ♥

by: David (Kuroisenko)